Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wash Day + Length Check | (Giveaway Reminder - $25 Ulta eGift Card)

So here we go! Another wash day post. Well this wash actually occurred two weeks ago. I'm trying to hang on to this work I put in, since I ended up doing a flat iron and length check! And it was definitely work! But let's get on to the deets.

I did the same method I did the last couple of wash days. I parted my hair into the same four sections and saturated with Mane and Tale Detangler.  I then hopped into the shower and used my detangling brush along with the running water to detangle my hair. I had to grab my Aussie Moist to help with a few knots from the twist and curl set.

I shampooed with Mane and Tale Shampoo. At this point my hair was in 8 braids as shown in this post here.

Deep Condition
Overnight with my new favorite conditioner TGIN  Honey Miracle Hair Mask.  I'm planning to stock up. I will have to do a review soon.

Leave-Ins Plus Blow Dry
After rinsing and thoroughly detangling I applied my leave-ins and blow dried my hair on the cool setting.  Once my hair was completely dry, I flat ironed using my Sedu Revolution and trimmed as I went through each section. So I don't have a before trim pic, but I wasn't too worried about it.

Leave-ins and Heat Protectant

On a side note - I really like the blow dryer I've had for the past couple years. I don't really mention it much, but I love that it has a cool air setting; not the cold shot button like a lot that I've seen, but it actually has a cool air setting and you can change the speed of the air as well.  On the cool setting the display screen turns blue, when off the display screen is orange. I rarely use it on the heat setting; only if in a rush.

I tried to get a decent length check pic. (My sis took this. I had to beg her so I took what I could get. LOL!) My hair did not stay flat at all after I finished. By the time I got home from work my hair just felt frizzy and dull. To get a true length check I tried to stretch it the best that I could. I think I'm around line 12 which is right at the top of my bra strap.  I haven't retained much length which is to be expected with me transitioning and all. I still have some bone straight ends that need to be chopped away; and then to grow out the texlaxed section!

Wearing my JGA Lengthcheck Tee

Length Check
Looks like BSL

And there you have it! My Wash Day Experience!  Which I'll be sharing on the Wash Day Experience Link-Up hosted by S.O.S and JGA! Head on over and add yours too!

The #WashDayExperience Badge

BTW Don't forget about my 3 Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway. Click here to find out how to enter! I am giving away a $25.00 Ulta Gift card. The giveaway is eligible for U.S. residents only at this time. But I will try to include my International friends on the next one for sure!  

Thanks for visiting and for all your support!

Lengthening Locks 3 Year Anniversary and My First Blog Giveaway!!![CLOSED]

October 26, 2015 marks the 3 year anniversary of my blog. How exciting! I don't know why it seems like longer but just 3 years to the day.  I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported this blog and for all your kind words and encouragement.

I thought that the best way to celebrate this milestone would be to host my very first GIVEAWAY!  I do want to say that I wanted so badly for my first giveaway to include not only U.S. but International subscribers as well; unfortunately this particular giveaway will be U.S. only. I'm sorry. I will try to make the next one works out to include any and everyone who wants to participate. Now on to the deets on this giveaway!!

I decided to giveaway a $25.00 Ulta eGift Card.  You can get up to 15 entries for a chance to win this gift card. I thought Ulta would be a great pick because they have so many amazing products to choose from.  So there is sure to be something for everyone.  The giveaway will be open until November 4 at 12 a.m.  Please get your entries in if you are interested and feel free to share with your friends!

Again I want to say a big thank you for all the support that I've received during my little old journey.  It is greatly appreciated!

With Lots of Love,

Monday, October 12, 2015

Taking Stock - #1

I was inspired by Lydz of Crowning Glory to do my own Taking Stock post.  I thought it was pretty cool to stop and reflect on what's going on with me. Check out her blog to find out the source of where the Taking Stock posts originated.  I think this is something I'd like to continue regularly. Not uber interesting but here's what's going on with me.  I tried my best to answer every line.

Making : This post..does that count? lol
Cooking : nothing..too late for that. earlier I made sautee'd spinach and kale with crab cakes(I did not make the crab cakes)
Drinking : Just finished a cup of green tea with bamboo tea
Reading: Nothing currently
Wanting: a winning lottery ticket. Early retirement please! lol
Looking: at TV...about to pop in The Office dvd...love this show
Playing: I just finished playing spider solitaire while sitting under the hair dryer
Wasting: time worrying about things that haven't even happened yet
Sewing: Bad at this
Wishing: for an awesome vacation. I never go anywhere so this would be nice.
Enjoying: relaxing at home
Waiting: For my time off for work this week
Liking: my new electric throw. its so cozy and warm
Wondering: about what I want to do for my time off later this week
Loving: my new found hair style
Hoping: That all my family and friends continue to be blessed
Marvelling: Over this new TV show Mr Robot. Kind of freaky!
Needing: to straighten up my room...and start back studying
Smelling: my chocolate covered almonds that I can't seem to put down
Wearing: shorts and tshirt; it's time for bed
Following: a whole lot of natural instagramers; i've become addicted to Instagram now that I'm not on FB
Knowing: that I need to stop worrying so much when there is no reason to worry
Thinking: I should be asleep now because I have work in the morning
Feeling: very sleepy
Bookmarking:  a super cute hair style I want to try and several Kale recipes...
Opening: my tub of chocolate almonds...again...lol
Giggling: about how I'm still eating these almonds while lying in bed.
Feeling: like I need to clear my head.

Have you done a Taking Stock post?  If not, do give it a try.

Thanks for dropping in!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

DIY Off the Should Sweatshirt

So this is not your typical hair post but is still somewhat related.  Fall has come and the weather is starting to get cooler. Of course that means it's time to bring out everything warm, cozy, and cute.
Well some of you may know that I am currently transitioning to natural hair. I'm actually right around 81 weeks post. I've made it just over a year and a half! Woot! Lately I've been loving a lot of the natural hair apparel that I have seen popping up on my Instagram feed with words of inspiration for natural gals. I just love it...but sometimes these items can be a little bit pricey.  Well, my sis planted the seed in my head of designing my own so I figured I'd give it a shot!

I watched a few videos on making your own off the should sweatshirt and there didn't seem to be too much to it. I will be honest and say that I wasn't completely happy with my results but it was not too awful for my first attempt.  Here are the items that I used for my project.

1. Medium sized men's Fruit of the Loom Sweatshirt from Walmart
2. Iron on Lettering purchased from Hobby Lobby
3. Scissors
4. Measuring Tape
5. Iron

I wanted to do a video of my first DIY attempt at designing my own sweatshirt, but my video recording application on my laptop did not want to cooperate with me; so no video. I thought that would have been fun to do.  If you want to attempt your own project, I'd suggest watching a few videos before attempting as I wish I had done. I found one the I wish I had seen after I had already started cutting. She was the one that used measuring tape, which I didn't have at first. LOL! I am posting her video below.  I liked the care she took in cutting the neckline.  She is actually doing a t-shirt hear and not a sweatshirt; but similar concept.

Here is the finished result of my sweatshirt! I was not completely happy, but of course it was a learning experience. First I think I bought the sweatshirt too big for my liking.  Secondly, I think I made the neckline too big. I definitely wish I had measured first and I might have been happier with it.

I didn't know what I wanted it to say but my sis and I were browsing around Hobby Lobby and she saw the lettering that spelled out L-O-V-E.  I looked at her and said "How would I use that". "Natural Love" she said to me. Duh moment! But I loved it.  I purchased additional lettering for the "Natural" part of my shirt.  I just followed the directions on the packaging to iron on the letters and Voila! My own off -the-shoulder natural inspired sweatshirt. And I must say it is SUPER comfy and cozy!

So what do you guys think? Have you done any DIY projects lately? Do tell!

Thanks so much for dropping by!
Lots of LOVE!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wash Day | Flat Twist and Curl

Has it been a week already? Time sure flies when you'r having fun with your hair. And I did just that in my most recent Wash Day Experience. Here is how it went down.

Just like with my last wash day I sectioned my hair in four and saturated with Mane and Tail Detangler.  I then hopped in the shower with my detangling brush to thoroughly detangle my hair with running water.  I parted each section in half since detangling in smaller sections is easiest and I braided each section once I was done.

I wanted to thoroughly clarify my hair so I used my Redken Hair Cleansing Cream and massaged into my scalp and hair (which was still in braids), then thoroughly rinsed.

Since I noticed a little breakage I decided to finish off my jar of ORS Hair Mayonnaise.  Yay!!! I emptied a product!! But sadly I will probably just replace it with something else that I don't need to buy. Ha!

I used my Hot Head Conditioning Cap for a deep treatment.  Love this thing! After my hair cooled, I rinsed out the conditioner and followed up with Herbal Essences Naked Moisture Conditioner.

Love my Hot Head Conditioning Cap

I couldn't make up my mind how I wanted to style my hair, but I wanted to give my hair a break from the blow dryer and wanted to do something fun.  Since I have fallen in love with perm rods, thought I'd try my hand at a flat twist and curl.  I had no idea how this was going to turn out, but it wasn't too bad.  Some spots were a little frizzy but I actually liked the results. I thought it was going to be a big mess!

For my leave-ins I decided on Carol's Daughter Hair Milk Leave in Conditioner, coconut oil, and Carol's Daughter Hair Milk Styling Pudding.  I massaged a little castor oil mixed with peppermint oil to my scalp before taking down the twists.

I will definitely be doing this style again. Loved the curls and the volume! I realized that I've reached a point in my hair journey where I feel more comfortable with doing more with my hair and trying new styles.  I'm doing a lot more than I used to in the beginning.  Finally having fun with my hair!

So how was your wash day experience? Did anyone try any new styles lately? Please do tell and share your post in the Wash Day Experience link-up hosted by S.O.S. and JGA.

The #WashDayExperience Badge

Thanks for reading, my friends! Until the next post. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Another Wash Day, Another New Product

It has been a while, so I'd figure I'd come at ya'll with a wash day post.  I don't enjoy posting about my wash days so much, because I feel like it will come off a bit boring.  But being a transitioner, sharing my changes in technique might help some one else going through their transitioning phase. So I figure why not.  So here we go....

Well, before I jump into this past wash day, just let me say that I am constantly tweaking my technique.  I am still experimenting with what I think will make my wash day a little easier and a little bit quicker than the last. This has def been a struggle.

I sectioned my hair into four quadrants as I always do on wash day and spritzed with Mane and Tale Detangler before hoping in the shower. I rinsed and detangled my hair while in the shower with my detangling brush.  This was kind of a new technique. I noticed with passed wash days, if I had just recently moisturized and sealed my hair, it is SOOO easy to detangle in the shower before shampooing. I was also trying to use up product, so this was a good way to do it.

Another kind of new-ish technique; I split each quartered section of hair in half and braided it after detangling to keep it stretched out, leaving me with 8 braids total.  I then applied my Mane and Tail shampoo to my scalp and gently massaged.  I also applied a little shampoo to the braids to ensure that the length was thoroughly cleaned.  I noticed verily little shedding the past couple of washes also. I'm trying to determine what I owe that to. I haven't done a tea rinse in a long time, but I have been drinking green tea more lately as well as my bamboo tea.  Whatever the cause, I'm happy about it nonetheless. Ha ha!

Shampooing in Braids

Very little shedding from detangling and shampoo session

DEEP CONDITION (***New Product Alert***)
Well what else would you expect of a product junkie? ;)  I've been wanting to try TGIN brand products for a while and finally got my hands on it. I was super excited to try the Honey Miracle Hair Mask.  I unbraided each section of hair, applied the hair mask, then re-braided each section.  Sat under my heat cap for about 30 minutes and allowed my hair to cool off before jumping in the shower to rinse.  I rinsed with warm water and did a final rinse with cool water. I have done this before, but it actually even says it on the jar.

New Products

For my leave-ins I decided to use the sample packet of TGIN Green Tea Super Moist Leave In Conditioner, coconut oil, Proclaim Foaming Wrap Lotion, and Regis Design Line Enchanted Blow Out Lotion to prep for a blow out.  I blow dried each section with cool air until about 90-95% dry and braided it back up.  Once I finished blow drying, I took down all the braids to pull my hair into a top bun. I kind of like the texture of my hair though, after I took down the braids, but I quickly lost the definition.

And there you have it! The wash day experience of a transitioner. I'm still tweaking my regimen, but it has improved a lot. Trust me! Because if it hadn't improved, you would probably be reading a relaxer update right now! LOL!

How well did your most recent wash day go?  Share your post on the Wash Day Experience Link-Up or share in the comment section below.

The #WashDayExperience Badge

Thanks for dropping by!

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